【質問 No. 24637】 prevent A from B の後の前置詞について |
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2024-04-30 16:25:40 |
Generally, the upper roof’s eaves are smaller than the lower ones. But here, the length of them is the same. Can you guess why? (上の屋根が下の屋根と同じ長さなのはなぜ?) The reason is that it prevents the lower roof from breaking ( ) snow falling from the upper roof.(雪が落ちて下の屋根が壊れるのを防ぐため)
最後の文ですが、snow の前に入れる前置詞は、何がいいでしょうか?
Generally, the roof of the upper eaves is shorter than that of the lower eaves. However, the length of the eaves here in this building is the same as the one below. Can you guess why? The reason for that is that the same length of eaves prevents the one below from breaking by snow falling from the upper roof.
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