【質問 No. 24224】 Without conscience. について |
zoro |
2024-02-26 06:43:30 |
Without conscience. I’ll also grant that so long as other people’s children read comics we have scant hope, and perhaps less right, to keep our own from doing so. It would be unfair for us to deny to our children what is now a group experience and, when they have grown up, will have become a group memory of their generation.
Without conscience. I’ll also grant that so (as) long as (other people’s children's reading comics) we have scant hope, and perhaps less right, to keep our own from doing so. It would be unfair for us to deny to our children what is now a group experience and, when they have grown up, will have become a group memory of their generation. という文法なのかな、と思ったのですが、それでも、おかしいかと思われます。to keep の to も、どこから繋がっているのか、わかりません。
ご質問の without conscience という言葉は、前の文に続く修飾語で、次の I'll also grant that ... とは、無関係なのです。つまり、Then -- yes, I’ll confess it -- then I do resort to comics. Without shame. Without conscience. 「そこで、私は、白状します、私も漫画に頼ることがあるのです。恥もなく、良心の呵責もなしにです」ということなのです。ですから、without conscience などの副詞句を、無理やり次の文に繋ごうとした zoro さんの努力は、無駄になっているのです。
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