【質問 No. 23683】 省略について |
安室 |
2023-12-17 18:22:58 |
I looked around the plane at the other passengers. No one was panicking.
The local people returning to their homes on Rodrigues slept, or casually held children on their knees. There was no announcement from the captain, other than to politely ask passengers to fasten their seatbelts and to ask the crew to prepare for landing. At this point I began to relax and not worry. However, looking out of the window, it was ten, perhaps fifteen long minutes before something, anything, interrupted the view of the sea down below: many white waves, kilometres long, broke not upon land but upon the ocean itself. Then, finally, Rodrigues, and its sleepy little airport at the western end of the island, came into view. Nothing can prepare you for the first time you arrive in Rodrigues. You see nothing out of the plane window but the sea below, for hours and hours, before at last the tiny island appears as a small dark spot in the vast blue ocean. Located about 600 kilometres to the northeast of Mauritius*, the much larger island nation to which it belongs, Rodrigues is one of the world's most remote islands which has people living on it.
@ 4文目の worry の前には、to が省略されていますか。
A 7文目の文構造について、prepare O1 for O2、と分析しましたが、the first time に 「S V」 が続いていることに違和感があります。後ろは、完全文であるために、関係代名詞ではないとすると、関係副詞 when の省略でしょうか。
@ のご質問の At this point, I began to relax and not worry. とは、「この点まで来ると、私は、心配ではなく、リラックスし始めた」という意味で、relax and not worry とは、「心配ではなく、リラックスする」という意味なので、began to relax and not <to worry> ということではなく、この場合は、relax and not worry は、relax <instead of> worry ということなのです。
A のご質問の、Nothing can prepare you for the first time (when) you arrive in Rodrigues. とは、「あなたがロドリゲス島に到着する最初の時に当たって、あなたに準備させてくれるものが、何もありません」という意味で、この島に到着した最初の時に、心の準備をする暇がありません、ということで、構造は、Nothing(S) [can prepare](V) you(O) [for the first time you arrive in Rodrigues](M). の「第3文型」となります。
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