【質問 No. 25966】 要約問題添削依頼 |
zoro |
2024-11-30 03:25:22 |
A: The increasing debate on the necessity of compulsory voting in democracies highlights critical aspects of civic engagement and democratic responsibility. As democratic institutions around the world strive to increase voter turnout, the idea of mandatory voting has gained traction.
[解答](要約) It has been a high-profile topic that voting should be made mandatory in Japan. With democratic institutions around the world striving to increase voter turnout, the idea of compulsory voting has gained attraction.
B: This concept raises fundamental questions about the nature of civic duties and the principles of a democratic society.
[解答](要約) To achieve this, <The>(→the) concept of obligation <of>(→in) democratic countries has to be well discussed.
C: Advocates of compulsory voting argue that it is a civic duty akin to other responsibilities like paying taxes or jury duty. Mandatory voting is seen as a means to ensure higher voter turnout, leading to more representative government decisions.
[解答](要約) Advocates of compulsory voting insist that it is perceived as if it were like <july>(→jury) duty and tax payment, which entails a lot of benefits.
D: It also encourages political engagement among the populace, as it compels citizens to educate themselves about the issues and candidates. Some countries that have implemented compulsory voting, like Australia, have witnessed <consistent>(→consistently) high voter turnout, which is considered a sign of a healthy democracy.
[解答](要約) There are advantages to compulsory <voting>(→voting such as the one in Australia) in that it makes citizens understand politics.
質問: 最後の、オーストラリアの例を、丸ごと無視しましたが、これは、やり過ぎでしょうか? 一例なので、必要ないかな、と思いました。
ご質問のオーストラリアの例が気になる場合は、修正のように、compulsary voting <such as the one in Australia> などのように、例として、あげればいいのではないでしょうか。
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