【質問 No. 23540】 文章の意味について |
安室 |
2023-11-29 18:08:27 |
3文目の訳を教えてください。特に、any の部分がわかりません。
For people to realize the potential they were born with: this was the original concept of the American dream. It was not about becoming rich or famous; it was about having the opportunity to develop all your possibilities, and being appreciated for who you are as an individual, not because of your type or rank. <Though America was one of the first places where this was a possibility for many of its citizens, the dream is not limited to any one country or people; it is a universal dream that we all share.> And this dream has been corrupted by what I call "averagarianism," the idea that individuals can be evaluated, sorted, and managed by comparing them to the average.
ご質問の、大三文目の、Though America was one of the first places where this was a possibility for many of its citizens, the dream is not limited to any one country or people; it is a universal dream that we all share. の意味は、「アメリカは、これが、その多くの国民にとって可能であった最初の場所の一つでしたが、この夢は、<どこであれ>一つの国または国民に、限定されたものではなく、私達みんなが共有する、普遍的な夢なのです」ということで、any は「どこであっても」という、強調語なのです。
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