【質問 No. 23011】 副詞について |
佐藤 |
2023-09-27 18:44:35 |
No doubt throughout all past time there actually occurred a series of events which, whether we know what it was or not, constitutes history in some ultimate sense. Nevertheless, much the greater part of these events we can know nothing about, not even that they occurred; many of them we can know only imperfectly; and even the few events that we think we know for sure we can never be absolutely certain of, since we can never revive them, never observe or test them directly.
much the greater の much は、「副詞」で、the greater を修飾しているのでしょうか?
ご質問の much the greater part of these events の much は、おっしゃる通り、the greater part of these events を修飾する「副詞」と考えられます。もし、これを、much of the greater part of these events とすると、意味は同じですが、much は「名詞」になります。
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