【質問 No. 22708】 source の意味について |
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2023-08-29 16:35:24 |
Although one might suppose that vernacular buildings <out>(→are out) of date and will gradually disappear from our modern society, architects and city planners in recent years have come to re-evaluate the merits of using vernacular architecture. They praise its historical symbolism, aesthetically pleasing appearance, and design that is practically suited to the environment. What is more, disaster relief agencies have focused on vernacular architecture as a source of emergency shelters for disaster victims. They claim that it is easy to obtain material locally and that dwellings can be erected quickly. Some specialists also argue that there is a calming effect on users which is evoked by familiar living surroundings in comparison to the cold and unfriendly environment of prefabricated disaster shelters. Viewed in these terms, vernacular architecture may prove to be one key theme in promoting a more humane and sustainable society.
vernacular architecture as a source of emergency shelters の source は、どのような意味でしょうか?
「源泉」や「供給源」だと、disaster relief agencies have focused on vernacular architecture as a source of emergency shelters for disaster victims 「災害救助機関は、災害被害者用の緊急避難所の供給源として、その土地特有の建築に注目している」となり、vernacular architecture を分解して、緊急避難所を作る、みたいな意味の日本語訳になっている気がします。
ご質問の箇所の What is more, disaster relief agencies have focused on vernacular architecture as a source of emergency shelters for disaster victims. とは、「さらに言えば、災害救助機関は、災害被害者のための緊急避難場の供給源として、(木材を使った)在来工法の建築法に、注目してきている」ということで、冷たい洋式の建築物よりも、日本古来の在来建築法が、環境に優しく、人にも優しい供給源になることに、なるだろう、と言っているわけで、違和感はないと思いますが・・・。
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