【質問 No. 22495】 日記の添削のお願い |
StarlySky |
2023-08-05 05:57:10 |
・ Hostmother made me my most favorite lunch!! I like the Wrap the best. 「ホストマザーが、私の大好物のお弁当作ってくれた!! wrapが1番好きなんだよね〜」
・ Math class is still easy for me. I'm not good at math in Japan, but people call me genius here. I feel great. 「数学の授業、相変わらず簡単。日本だと、数学苦手な方だけど、ここの人たちはみんな、天才って言ってくれるから嬉しい)
・ In my english class, I had to decide what character to act for the task. I chose Lady Capulet, cause her dialogue was few...haha 「英語の授業で、課題のために、なんの役演じるか決めないといけなかった。セリフが1番少ないから、Lady Capulet 選んじゃった(笑)」
以上の内容です!! よろしくお願いします。
1. My host mother made me my favorite lunch! I like the wrap best.
2. My math class is very easy for me. I was not so good at math in Japan, but here people call me a genius. I feel great.
3. In my English class, I had to decide what character to act for the task. I chose Lady Capulet, because her words in the dialogue were just a few ... haha!
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