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【質問 No. 24872】 英文要約添削依頼(原文2) zoro 2024-05-28 22:03:52
 Their works, characterized by realism, attention to human anatomy, and use of perspective, marked a departure from the rigid and symbolic style of medieval art. The artistic achievements of the Renaissance did not merely reflect aesthetic advancements but also symbolized the era’s deeper exploration of human experience and the natural world. The influence of the Renaissance extended beyond its time, shaping the course of European history and culture. Its emphasis on individualism and human potential laid the foundation for the Enlightenment and the modern world. The cultural and intellectual legacies of the Renaissance continue to resonate, evident in our appreciation for art, our approach to learning, and our understanding of human potential.


【質問 No. 24871】 英文要約添削依頼(原文1) zoro 2024-05-28 21:59:39
 The Renaissance, a period spanning from the 14th to the 17th century, marks a profound transformation in European history, characterized by a rebirth in art, culture, and intellectual thought. This era, originating in Italy and gradually spreading across Europe, is distinguished by three significant developments: the revival of classical learning, the flourishing of artistic expression, and the impact of these changes on society and future generations.

The revival of classical learning, known as humanism, is the cornerstone of the Renaissance. Scholars and thinkers turned back to the ancient texts of Greece and Rome, seeking knowledge and inspiration from the works of Plato, Aristotle, and other classical philosophers. This renewed interest in classical culture led to a shift in education, emphasizing the study of humanities – literature, history, philosophy, and languages. The humanistic approach championed the potential of the individual, fostering an environment where intellectual inquiry and rational thought were highly valued. This shift laid the groundwork for modern Western thought and education. Artistically, the Renaissance is heralded as an age of unparalleled creative achievement. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael pushed the boundaries of artistic expression, blending classical techniques with innovative styles.


【質問 No. 24870】 英文の訳し方について フルーツ 2024-05-29 05:44:36

1. Withdraw is more on quit.

 withdraw の言葉を、先生に聞いた時に、言われた言葉です。more on の意味、訳し方が分からないです。

2. Because there is a magic spell in the promise which is

 この which is の意味が分からないです。

3. let me show you

 文法的に、どう訳すのか、教えてほしいです。使役動詞(「人に〜させる」という意味) 「let + 人 + do」は、分かるのですが、当てはめても、どう訳したらいいか、分からないのです。


1. の英文の意味は、「Withdraw (撤退)は、quit (辞める)、という意味に近いです」ということです。

2. の意味は、「その約束には、魔法の呪いが、掛かっているから、ということです」ということで、which is は、Because の文の前に置くべき関係代名詞を、後に置いたもので、Which is (that) because there is a magic spell in the promise. の Which is が、文末に回ったものなのです。Which is で、「つまり」といった意味になるのです。

3. Let me show you. とは、「私に、示させて、ください」ということで、「私が、教えてあげましょう」という意味になるのです。

【質問 No. 24869】 I got enough to ~ の構造と意味について ab 2024-05-29 05:24:13

 I got enough to worry about getting whacked on the street.

 これは、ある映画のセリフなのですが、意味がよくわかりません。これは、have enough to do の have が、get になった、と考えるのでしょうか? その際、訳は、「通りで、殺されるということを、心配するのが、やっとだった」というように、なるのでしょうか?

 ご質問の英文の意味は、「私は、路上で、いきなり殴られるのではないか、という不安を、十分に感じた」ということで、I got enough to worry で、「心配するのに、十分なもの(経験・感覚)を持った」という意味なので、I worried enough about ~ で、「私は、~ について、十分に心配した」と言い換えても良いところです。

【質問 No. 24868】 大阪公立大学について アボ 2024-05-28 18:50:44

 「大阪公立大学」について、情報提供をありがとうございました。前回は、Metropolitan の「使用範囲」についてのご質問でしたのに、そのことに、触れず仕舞いになってしまい、申し訳ありませんでした。

 改めて、お答えしますと、Metropolitan そのものの意味は、語源が metro = middle, polis = 都市国家、ということからも推測できるように、国内の、各都市の中心国家、ということから、metropolis とは、「主要な都市」、Capital と一致するとは限らない「大都市」を指し、文化や商業の「中心地」の事のようですので、日本で言えば、東京はもとより、大阪、京都など、日本の三大都市を指してもおかしくはないわけです。とは言え、現代人の感覚からすると、Metropolitan を、東京以外の都市にまで、広げることは、不可能ではないとしても、あまり一般的とは言えないように、感じられますが、誤解を招かないためにも、Metropolitan は、東京に限定しておいた方が、よろしいかと、愚考いたします。

【質問 No. 24867】 Metropolitan の使用範囲について アボ 2024-05-28 15:10:05
 「東京都」は、Tokyo Metropolitan Government、「大阪公立大学」は、Osaka Metropolitan University と称しています。Metropolitan は、首都以外の事物にも使用できますか?

 「通称」と、「固有名詞」とは、異なるものなので、「東京都」は、the Capital City of Tokyo, または、the Metropolitan Tokyo, 或いは、the Tokyo Metropolice など、様々な言い方があります。日本の都市名を、外国の人に知ってもらうための名称ですから、わかりやすいことが、最も重要です。また、「大阪公立大学」という名の大学を、私は、知りません。the City University of Osaka と言えば、「大阪市立大学」のことと考えられます。なお、「大阪大学は、国立大学の一つでした」を英訳すると、Osaka University was one of the national universities. となると、考えられます。勿論、最初に述べましたように、通称と、固有名詞の違いがありますから、各大学が、自分たちの大学を、どのような英訳名としているかは、それぞれの大学によって、異なります。

【質問 No. 24866】 have been waiting と、had been waiting の違いについて アップル 2024-05-28 06:09:16

 I (    ) been waiting for you till five o'clock.

という問題があり、解答が、had だったのですが、have では、だめなのでしょうか。今が何時なのか、記載されていませんが、仮に、今が5時ちょうどだとしたら、have でも、成り立ちませんか?

 ご質問の英文の意味は、「私は、あなたを、5時まで、待っていました」ということで、仮に、今5時だとしたら、日本語でも、このような表現はしないはずです。5時まで待っていた、ということは、今は5時を過ぎていることを示唆しているのです。ですから、英文としては、I <had been waiting> for you until five o'clock. とするのが、正しいのです。なお、till よりも、until の方が「口語的」なのです。

【質問 No. 24865】 英文要約添削依頼(解答) zoro 2024-05-28 06:01:05

[原文]  In the contemporary business landscape, green technologies are playing an increasingly crucial role. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices. The integration of green technologies in business operations is not just an ethical decision but also a strategic one, fostering innovation and long-term profitability. Firstly, the adoption of renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, is transforming energy management in businesses. These sustainable energy sources reduce reliance on fossil fuels, decreasing carbon footprints and operational costs. Companies are also investing in energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and smart building systems, to optimize resource usage. This shift towards sustainable energy not only helps businesses in reducing environmental impact but also in achieving economic efficiency through lower utility costs.

 Secondly, green technology is revolutionizing waste management and resource utilization in businesses. Innovative recycling technologies and waste-to-energy systems are becoming integral in minimizing waste. Companies are increasingly adopting circular economy models, where products are designed for reuse and recycling, reducing resource depletion and environmental pollution. This approach not only contributes to sustainability but also opens up new business opportunities and markets, driving growth and innovation.

 Lastly, the rise of green technology has led to the creation of new industries and job opportunities. The demand for sustainable products and services has spurred growth in sectors like renewable energy, sustainable construction, and eco-friendly product manufacturing. This economic shift is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the job market, creating a range of new career paths and fostering a skilled workforce in green technologies.

 However, the transition to green technologies in business is challenged by factors like the initial investment costs and the need for technical expertise. Despite these challenges, the long-term benefits of adopting sustainable practices outweigh the short-term hurdles, positioning businesses for future success in an increasingly environmentally-conscious market.
[解答](要約) Green technologies are giving a lot of benefits to our society. The introduction of <recycable>(→recyclable) energy sources, like solar and wind <power>(→power,) is making a significant contribution to <reduce>(→reducing) reliance on fossil fuels, and corporations are adopting items that are environmentally-friendly products. However, there are also problems like the initial investment costs and the need for technical maintenance. Nevertheless, in the long run, sustainable practices outweigh the short-term hurdles.

[回答](感想) 私にしたら、絶望的な要約課題ですが、うまく処理しましたね。zoro さんのエネルギーの強さを感じます。あっぱれ!

【質問 No. 24864】 英文要約添削依頼(原文2) zoro 2024-05-27 22:45:11
 Secondly, green technology is revolutionizing waste management and resource utilization in businesses. Innovative recycling technologies and waste-to-energy systems are becoming integral in minimizing waste. Companies are increasingly adopting circular economy models, where products are designed for reuse and recycling, reducing resource depletion and environmental pollution. This approach not only contributes to sustainability but also opens up new business opportunities and markets, driving growth and innovation.
Lastly, the rise of green technology has led to the creation of new industries and job opportunities. The demand for sustainable products and services has spurred growth in sectors like renewable energy, sustainable construction, and eco-friendly product manufacturing. This economic shift is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the job market, creating a range of new career paths and fostering a skilled workforce in green technologies.

However, the transition to green technologies in business is challenged by factors like the initial investment costs and the need for technical expertise. Despite these challenges, the long-term benefits of adopting sustainable practices outweigh the short-term hurdles, positioning businesses for future success in an increasingly environmentally-conscious market.


【質問 No. 24863】 英文要約添削依頼(原文1) zoro 2024-05-27 22:42:40
 In the contemporary business landscape, green technologies are playing an increasingly crucial role. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable practices. The integration of green technologies in business operations is not just an ethical decision but also a strategic one, fostering innovation and long-term profitability. Firstly, the adoption of renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, is transforming energy management in businesses. These sustainable energy sources reduce reliance on fossil fuels, decreasing carbon footprints and operational costs. Companies are also investing in energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and smart building systems, to optimize resource usage. This shift towards sustainable energy not only helps businesses in reducing environmental impact but also in achieving economic efficiency through lower utility costs.


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