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【質問 No. 24812】 文の意味と構造について ab 2024-05-22 15:47:00

 This song was so good I accidentally left the keys in the ignition.

 [This song was so good] + [I accidentally left the keys in the ignition.] という構造だと、思うのですが、この二文の間に、接続詞などは、入らないのでしょうか? それとも、脱落してしまっているのでしょうか?

 ご質問の英文の意味は、「この曲が、あまりにも素晴らしかったので、私は、車の鍵を、うっかり始動スイッチの中に、挿入したままに、してしまいました」ということで、この文は、so ~ that ... 「あまりにも ~ なので、... する」という意味を表す「原因・結果」の「相関接続詞」を使ったものですが、略式では、that が省略されることがあります。

【質問 No. 24811】 英文要約の添削依頼 zoro 2024-05-22 09:43:55

[原文] The global debate on the pros and cons of increasing financial support for the arts is a reflection of differing perspectives on the value of arts in society. While some advocate for more funding, believing that the arts play a vital role in cultural and social development, others question the practicality and impact of such investments.
 Advocates for increased arts funding argue that the arts enrich cultural identity and promote social cohesion. They believe that investing in the arts contributes to a more vibrant and diverse society. Artistic endeavors, ranging from theater to music to visual arts, not only provide aesthetic pleasure but also provoke thought, foster empathy, and encourage critical thinking. Supporters also point out the economic benefits, as the arts sector can generate employment, boost tourism, and spur creative innovation. Additionally, arts education is seen as essential for developing well-rounded individuals, nurturing creativity and problem-solving skills that are valuable in various field. On the other hand, critics of increased arts funding argue that government resources are better spent on sectors deemed more essential, like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. They contend that the arts should be self-sustainable and primarily supported by private funding and consumer patronage. Critics also raise concerns about the subjective nature of valuing art and the risk of funding projects that may not resonate with or benefit the wider public.

 In times of economic hardship, they argue, increasing arts funding can be seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. The debate over arts funding is fundamentally about the role of arts in society and the allocation of public resources. It raises important questions about cultural priorities and the distribution of government support across various sectors. The challenge lies in balancing the undeniable value of arts in enriching lives and communities with practical considerations of budget constraints and public (funding が欠落?).
[解答](要約) It has been <high-profile>(→a high-profile) topic whether financial support for the arts is necessary or not. Investment <for>(→in) arts can give vitality <for>(→to) society, and arts are also useful for education.
 However, some critics <are argue>(→argue) that arts funding should be allocated more to welfare, education <and environment>(→, and environmental) arrangements. Some critics also say arts are not always necessary for society in times of economic stagnation. There still remain problems that <government>(→the government) should deal with <for>(→regarding) arts funding, but we need to make the undeniable value of arts coexist with benefits to people and <reviewing>(→a review) of budget constraints.

[回答](感想) 芸術か、それとも、一般社会の福祉の向上か、という問題は、解決が難しいですが、双方に、何らかの配慮がないと、この世は、持たなくなってしまいます。zoro さんの要約も、その点を明らかにしております。原文の最後の、and public (???)の空所に、何かが欠落しているようです。

【質問 No. 24808】 even before ... と、before ... even の違いについて ふーちゃん 2024-05-22 09:08:51
1. The owner was fast to respond to my questions <even before> I had purchased anything.

2. The owner was fast to respond to my questions <before> I had <even> purchased anything.



1. の英文の意味は、「店主は、私が何かを買う前でさえ、私の質問に、素早く、答えてくれました」ということで、副詞(even)は、before I had purchased anything という「副詞節」を強調しているのです。

2. の意味は、「店主は、私が何かを買う前でさえも、私の質問に、素早く、答えてくれました」ということで、even は、この場合、before 節の中の purchased を修飾しており、even の修飾先は、異なりますが、結果としては、1. と比べて、ほとんど意味に違いはありません。

【質問 No. 24807】 時制について パロット 2024-05-22 05:52:26

 Have you ever wanted to try an extreme sport but were too scared?

 本日、上記の英文を見かけました。but の後が were になっているのは、どうしてなのでしょうか? Have の疑問文の流れなので、been などであれば、個人的には、納得出来るのですが・・・。何故、過去形の were が来ているのでしょうか? ご教示いただけますと、幸いです。


 ご質問の英文の意味は、「あなたは、今までに、過激なスポーツを試してみたいと思ったが、怖くなってやめてしまったことがありますか?」ということで、おっしゃる通り、but の前は、「現在完了形」が使われているのに、but 以下では、突然「過去形」になっています。両方とも、「現在完了形」で、but <been> too scared? とするべきではないか、という疑問が湧いても、当然と思われます。このように、同じ文の中で、現在完了形と、過去形が、使われることは稀ですが、あり得ることだ、と思ってください。論理的には、両方とも、時制を一致させるのが、正しいのですが・・・。

【質問 No. 24806】 so that 構文について おまめ 2024-05-22 05:35:05

 There's been so much work that I have had to stay late every night.
 拙訳: 「仕事が立て込んでおり、毎晩、遅くまで残業をしなければならなかった」

 「原因・結果」を表す so ~ that ... の構文だと思ったのですが、~ の部分には、「形容詞」や、「副詞」以外に、「名詞」が入ることも、あるのでしょうか?


 ご質問の so ~ that ... の構文の、原因を表す so の後には、so が副詞なので、原則として「形容詞」と、「副詞」が来ます。従って、It is <so beautiful> that ..., I worked <so hard> that ..., There was <so much work> that ... のように使われます。今回のご質問の文では、There has been <so> much work that ... となっているので、so の後に、「名詞」が来ているように見えますが、実は、副詞 so は、形容詞 much に対応しているので、名詞 work の部分は、この構文とは関係がないのです。

【質問 No. 24805】 be vital to doing something について 平野眞次 2024-05-21 19:15:56
 The Great Salt Lake -- a large US lake known for its high salt content -- could disappear within five years, scientists warn. Normally, the lake undergoes some evaporation during summer, but it recovers after being fed by melting snow from nearby mountains. Dramatic population growth in surrounding area, however, means more water is being diverted away from the rivers that carry this snowmelt to the lake and directed instead toward businesses, residences, and farmland. Rising temperatures due to climate change exacerbate the problem, as the increased heat means more mountain snow <turn>(→turns) directly into water vapor rather than melting.

 Scientists are worried about the lake’s diminishing water level. For one, the salt content is becoming too concentrated for the lake to support local insects and prey animals. This then endangers the millions of birds that feed on them. Perhaps the greatest concern, however, is that the lake bed contains toxic metals left over from past mining activity. Without water covering the lake bed, dust containing these metals could become airborne and put local residents at risk of respiratory diseases and cancers. According to scientists, drastically reducing local water consumption is vital to avoiding a catastrophe. (
 (YouTube 英語講座より)

 文中で be vital to doing something という表現が使われています。be vital の後に続くのは「前置詞」の to であって、「to不定詞」を続けることは出来ない、ということなのですが、その理由について、解説をして頂けないでしょうか。


 ご質問の be vital to doing something とは、Her help is <vital to> the success of this plan. 「彼女の援助は、この計画の成功にとって、不可欠です」という例が示すように、be vital の後には、名詞、または、動名詞が使われ、to succeed in this plan のように、「to 不定詞」を使わず、<to succeeding> in this plan という風に、使うのが正しい、と言われます。同じような例に、look forward to -ing 「-することを、楽しみする」という表現があありますが、この場合にも、to 不定詞ではなく、to -ing という形が使われるのです。つまり、これらの例における to は、おっしゃるように、不定詞の to ではなく、前置詞の to である、ということなのです。

【質問 No. 24804】 英文要約の添削依頼 zoro 2024-05-21 09:57:30

 The debate over the compulsory nature of voting in democratic societies is an issue of significant political and social importance. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, providing citizens with the power to influence government policies and leadership. However, the question of whether voting should be mandatory remains contentious, reflecting differing views on civic responsibility and individual freedom.

 Proponents of compulsory voting argue that it is essential for the health of a democracy. Mandatory voting ensures higher voter turnout, which leads to more representative and legitimate election outcomes. It encourages political engagement and awareness among the populace, as citizens are more likely to educate themselves about political issues and candidates if they are required to vote. Furthermore, compulsory voting can reduce the impact of socioeconomic factors on voter turnout, as it obligates all segments of society, regardless of their economic or educational background, to participate in the electoral process. On the other hand, critics of mandatory voting assert that it infringes on individual freedoms. They argue that the right to vote also includes the right not to vote, and forcing citizens to vote against their will is undemocratic. Compulsory voting may lead to uninformed or indifferent voting, as some individuals might cast their votes without proper knowledge or genuine interest in the electoral process.

 Additionally, enforcing mandatory voting can be logistically challenging and potentially coercive especially in societies that value individual choice and freedom. The debate on compulsory voting encapsulates the broader discussion about the responsibilities of citizenship and the nature of democratic participation. While it offers potential benefits in terms of increased voter turnout and political engagement, it also raises concerns about individual rights and the quality of voter participation. Balancing these considerations is key to determining the most effective and democratic approach to voting in society.
[解答](要約) It is often discussed that voting should be made mandatory. If voting were to <made>(→be made) mandatory in Japan, it could provide responsibility and awareness to each individual, and many people <will>(→would) become more interested in politics.
 However, <If>(→if) all the people have to participate in voting, it has to be discussed that there may be people who waive voting or make a sloppy decision against their candidates.
 In conclusion, we <have>(→need) to make voter participation coexist with the right of people and democratic obligations <on voting>(→to vote) in society.

[回答](感想) 今回は、選挙における個人の投票権に関するもので、親しみのある内容だけに、要約も、うまくできましたね。投票を個人の権利と見るか、義務とすべきか、意見の分かれるところですが、いずれにしても、強制は民主主義の精神に、反することなので、難しい問題ですね。

【質問 No. 24799】 turn out (beautiful/beautifully) の違いについて ふーま 2024-05-21 09:35:06
 以下の文で、turn out に続く単語が「形容詞」の場合と、「副詞」の場合で、意味が、どう変わるのでしょうか?

1. I could have never imagined my wedding invitations turning out so beautiful.

2. I could have never imagined my wedding invitations turning out so beautifully.


1. の意味は、「私は、私の結婚招待が、このように、美しくなることを、想像できませんでした」ということで、形容詞の beautiful は、私の結婚招待が、美しいものになるとは、想像していませんでした、という意味になり、beautiful は、wedding invigations を修飾する「補語」となります。通常は、この形が使われます。

2. の意味は、「私は、私の結婚招待が、このように、美しく展開するとは、想像できませんでした」ということで、副詞の beautifully は、turned out を修飾するもので、展開の「仕方・様子」を、述べているので、wedding invitations が、美しいものとなったのではなく、「変わり方」が、美しかった、という意味になります。この言い方は、あまり普通ではありません。

【質問 No. 24798】 英文の解釈について 遼馬 2024-05-20 14:13:48
 Naturally, I am biased in favor of boys learning English; I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor, and Greek as a treat. -- Winston Churchill


1. 英文解釈は、これで、合っていますか?

 Naturally(M), I (S) [am biased](V) [in favor of boys](M) [learning English](O); I (S) [would make ](V)[them all ](O)[learn English](C): and (接)then (M)I (S)[would let ](V)[the clever ones ](O)[learn Latin](C) [as an honor](M), and (接)Greek(C)[as a treat](M). (1つ目の and は、文(I would make them all learn English)と、文(I would let the clever ones learn Latin)の、2つ目の and は、Latin と Greek をつないでいる)

2. コロン(:)は、具体化しているのはわかるのですが、セミコロン(;)や、カンマ(,)を、ここでは使い分けていて、何が違うのかが、理解できていないので、違いを教えていただきたいです。

3. また、副詞句と考えられる in favor of boys や、特に、all learn English を誤って熟語と考えて、副詞句であると捉えそうになったのですが、(all day long が副詞句であるようなつもりで) 熟語のカタマリについて、副詞句か、そうでないのか、その部分の判断が曖昧になっているので、それらの熟語は、辞書で調べても、副詞句かどうかは、載っておらず、何故、副詞句になるのかに自信が持てないため、何故、特定の熟語のカタマリ(at all や even if ~ 、every time S V など)が、副詞句や副詞節になるのか(合っているのかも分かりませんが)、判断方法や、見分け方、調べ方について、その部分の解説を、お願いしたいです。熟語がカタマリで、何の句になるか、が載っている辞書や、参考書、調べ方は、あるのでしょうか?



1. Naturally(M), I(S) am(V) biased(C) [in favor of boys learning English](M); I(S) [would make](V) [them all](O) [learn English](C): [and then](M) I(S) [would let](V) [the clever ones](O) [learn Latin](C) [as an honor](M), and (I(S) [would let:(V) them(O) [learn Greek](C) )(省略された部分) [as a treat](M).

2. 「ピリオド、コンマ、コロン、セミコロン」などの句読点は、ここでは、アットランダムに使っており、特別な意味はないようです。

3. 英文の解釈に当たっては、文を構成する主要素(主語、述語動詞、目的語、補語、その他、形容詞句、副詞句など)は、文の中の機能(働き)に応じて、判断することになるので、英文を見たら、いち早く、どれが主語で、どれが述語動詞なのか、目的語はどれか、補語はどうなっているか、などについて、詳しく見ていくことになります。その見分け方や、調べ方などに、コツがあるわけではありません。英文に、読み慣れていく以外に、方法はありません。なお、「文型」に、あまり拘らない方が、良いと思います。文型というものは、英文の意味が分かってからでないと、正確には、分からないものなのです。

【質問 No. 24797】 英文要約の添削依頼 zoro 2024-05-20 09:47:05

[原文] The role of Japan in the global economy is a multifaceted and evolving narrative, marked by its unique blend of traditional values and cutting-edge technology. As the world’s third-largest economy, Japan’s influence extends far beyond its geographical boundaries, impacting various global sectors including technology, finance, and international trade.

 Japan’s economy, renowned for its technological innovations and manufacturing prowess, particularly in the automobile and electronics industries, has been a driving force in the global market. These sectors not only exemplify Japan’s commitment to quality and efficiency but also contribute significantly to its GDP.

 The country’s focus on research and development has led to advancements in various fields, solidifying its status as a leader in technological innovation. However, Japan faces demographic challenges, primarily an aging population and a declining birthrate, which pose significant threats to its workforce and economic growth. The government’s efforts to address these issues through policy reforms and initiatives, including encouraging women’s participation in the workforce and promoting work-life balance, are crucial for sustaining economic vitality.

 In the international arena, Japan plays a key role in shaping economic policies and fostering global partnerships. As an active member of international organizations like the G7 and the World Trade Organization, Japan advocates for free trade and multilateral cooperation. Its approach to international relations, balancing its economic interests with diplomatic considerations, is pivotal in maintaining stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, Japan’s commitment to environmental sustainability and addressing climate change aligns it with global efforts to promote a greener economy.

Japan’s role in the global economy is a testament to its resilience and adaptability. Navigating demographic challenges, fostering technological advancements, and maintaining a strong presence in international affairs are integral to its continued success. As Japan adapts to changing global dynamics, its economic and technological contributions will remain vital to the worldwide community.

[解答](要約) Thanks to the mix of traditional value and state-of-the-art technology, Japan has been globalized rapidly. Japan today is the largest exporter, which trades various products such as automobiles and electronics. Japan <now is>(→is now) considered a leader in the world in various fields. However, <There>(→there) also exist various problems in Japan, causing economic stagnation due to <aging>(→an aging) society and low birthrate. There <are>(→is) a pile of tasks that the government <in>(→of) Japan should deal with as a member of the G7. It is inevitable for Japan to play <the>(→an) important role <for>(→in) international affairs in the future.

[回答](感想) この長い原文を、zoro さんは、どのように裁くのだろう、と固唾を飲んでいると、自分の言葉で、わけもなく要約している様に接し、驚くばかりです。英文中の間違いも少なくなっていますし、この調子で行けば、英検準一級、または、一級も、手の届くところまで、来たのではないか、と思わされます。

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