【質問 No. 24276】 英文要約の添削依頼(原文と、要約) |
zoro |
2024-03-05 10:57:11 |
[原文] The best thing about a small town is the people who live in it. I say this boldly, knowing how often that element is seized upon as a subject for ridicule -- their dullness, narrow lives and interests. The point is that the charge is simply not true. There are such people and such conditions in small towns, just as there are in large cities, for the human race is plentifully supplied with all kinds; they average about the same everywhere.
The inhabitants of the small town are no worse and no better than people everywhere, but in the small town you know them, as friends, neighbors, acquaintances, over a long span of years, lifetimes often, and they know you for what you are -- a sobering but an inspiring thought. In the small town, you do not need to pretend; you can be yourself. This may annoy some, who will prefer the impersonality of the big city, but to a normal person, there is something heartening in being an integral part of a community. Be sure of this: if you find the small town dull, the lack is in you. You no doubt bore the people.
[解答](要約) The best thing <of>(→about) living <a>(→in a) small town is <to>(→that you can) establish a good relationship with the people who live in it. In a small town, there are a wide variety of races like <large>(→in large) cities. Moreover, in a small city, you are acquainted with people who are living there, and you can go out with them for a long time, and it is not necessary for you to impersonate yourself. It is your responsibility <that>(→if) you think <the>(→a) small town <boredom>(→is boring).
[回答](感想) 毎回のことですが、非常によく書けています。可成の時間をかけているのかな、とは思いますが、これだけ纏めるのは、大変な作業と思われます。文法上のミスさえクリアすれば、他に言うことはありません。
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