【質問 No. 24151】 英文要約添削依頼 |
zoro |
2024-02-20 06:35:05 |
ご添削ありがとうございました。or は、ミスプリだったのですね!道理で、いくら調べても分からなかったわけです。やり直しましたので、添削をお願い致します。
Yet I think it has its dangers. Scientific work is not easy, <and a really deep idea is unlikely to come in the hour <or>(→that) one may spend talking with a particular person on a particular topic.> An atmosphere of intellectual bustle is not favourable to quiet concentration, to unhurried experiments, to brooding over a single problem.
解答: However, scientific work is not simple. For example, one may not generate a fruitful idea while <concentrating>(→talking) on a particular topic with a particular person; <an>(→a quiet) environment suited for the <atmosphere>(→individual) is necessary.
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