【質問 No. 23990】 英作文の添削依頼(後編) |
zoro |
2024-01-27 05:49:43 |
1. 「女性リーダーの不足は、深刻な問題である。女性リーダーは、言うまでもなく、社会的な責任があり、部下を持ち、長時間の勤務を強いられるが、そのような、優れた能力を持つ女性はたくさんいる」
The lack of female leaders is a <big>(→serious) problem. Needless to say, women leaders are socially responsible, have their subordinates, and are forced to work long hours every day, but there are a large number of women who have such efficient skills.
On the other hand, over the past 40 years, our era has changed, and the number of men who are suited for doing <house work>(→housework) has increased as well.
If men work long hours as leaders, those <househusband>(→househusbands) will have less time to spend <their>(→with their) children than <it is>(→they do) now.
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