【質問 No. 23790】 「make O C」について |
安室 |
2023-12-30 16:11:20 |
"Books should give children the chance to explore new things and ideas, and labelling books, and certain subjects, as only for one gender prevents them from doing this," says Alexandra Strick, of children's literature project, Inclusive Minds. Her co-founder, Beth Cox, adds, "These books reinforce stereotypes about what it means to be a boy or a girl, and therefore make children who don't follow these stereotypes more vulnerable to bullying and at risk of low self-esteem."
最終文、at risk of low self-esteem について、これは、make children at risk of low self-esteem ということですか。もしそうなら、「make O C」 の C に相当する at risk of low self-esteem は「形容詞句」ということでしょうか。
ご質問を含む最後の文の意味は、「これらの本は、男の子、又は、女の子であることが、何を意味するか、についての固定観念を強化するため、これらの固定観念に従っていない子供達は、いじめに会いやすく、自尊心が低くなるリスクに、さらわれます」ということで、These books make children who don't follow these stereotypes more vulnerable and at low self-esteem の構造は、[These books](S) make(V) [children who don't follow these stereotypes](O) [more vulnerable to bullying and (more) at risk of low self-esteem](C). ということなので、補語に当たる more (vulnerable to bullying and at risk of low self-esteem) は、両方とも「一種の形容詞句」となります。
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