【質問 No. 25816】 要約問題添削依頼(前編) |
zoro |
2024-10-31 05:21:51 |
The evolution of remote work, a trend accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has brought about substantial changes in the global workforce. This shift from traditional office-centric models to remote or hybrid models of work is not only redefining workplace dynamics but also influencing broader socio-economic aspects.
[解答](要約) Remote work is something that has brought about important changes. This shift is both reconfiguring workplace dynamics and <effecting>(→affecting) broader socio-economic aspects.
Initially, remote work was adopted as a necessity to maintain business continuity during lockdowns. However, it quickly demonstrated numerous advantages. For employees, it offered unprecedented flexibility and a better work-life balance, reducing commute times and allowing for a more personalized work environment. Employers benefited from access to a wider talent pool, unconstrained by geographical boundaries, and reported increases in productivity.
[解答](要約) Remote work <was>(→became) necessary during lockdowns, but it turned out there were loads of advantages. It provided lots of benefits, and created <ideal>(→an ideal) work environment. Access to a wide variety of <introduction>(→introductions) was beneficial for employees.
The adoption of digital tools for communication and collaboration, such as video conferencing and cloud-based platforms, became widespread, enhancing the feasibility of remote work.
[解答](要約) Thanks to the widespread <of the>(→削除) adoption of digital tools, remote work became <approachable>(→feasible).
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