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【質問 No. 23448】 英作文の添削依頼 zoro 2023-11-19 05:34:30

課題: Are prisons an effective way to maintain our society?

1. 「私は、刑務所は、私達の社会を維持するために、効率的な方法だという意見に反対だ」
  I disagree with the idea that prisons are an effective way to maintain our society, for the following reasons.

2. 「驚くべきことに、私達の社会には、貧困や孤独が原因で、自分から進んで刑務所に入りたがる高齢者がいる」
  Surprisingly, in our society today, there exist a large number of elderly people who are willing to enter a prison due to their poverty and solitary.

3. 「家族も、金も仕事もない高齢者は、安全と衣食住を提供してくれる場所を求めて、わざと再犯を犯し、刑務所へ戻っている」
  Such senior citizens without their family, money, and work often go back to the prison, seeking for a place that can offer sefty and clothing, food and housing.

4. 「しかしながら、刑務所は、ホテルや宿泊施設ではない」
  However, prisons are not hotels and accommodation.


1. I disagree with the idea that prisons are an effective way to maintain our society, for the following reasons.

2. Surprisingly, in our society today, there exists a large number of elderly people who are willing to enter prison due to their poverty and solitude.

3. Such senior citizens without their family, money, and work often go back to prison, seeking a place that can offer safety and clothing, food, and housing.

4. However, prisons are not hotels and accommodations.

【質問 No. 23447】 out の意味について 毛利 2023-11-19 05:16:59
 British anthropologist Francis Galton discovered that “averaging” out human faces by mixing them to form one image achieved a level of regularity that was more attractive than each of the individual components.

 ここでの、out は、どういう意味ですか。よろしくお願いします。

 ご質問の averaging out human faces とは、「人間の顔を、平均化すること」という意味で、average out ~ で「~ を平均化する」という意味になるのです。

【質問 No. 23446】 接続詞 as について 毛利 2023-11-19 05:11:24
 Whether the true essence of beauty lies in mathematics, as believed by the ancient Greeks, or in the artistic emptiness of wabi-sabi, as believed by the Japanese, remains open to question, but one thing is certain. Beauty will always remain in the eye of the beholder.

 一文目の接続詞 as の後には、何か省略されていますか。よろしくお願いします。

 ご質問の as believed by the ancient Greeks の as には、it was が省略されており、as believed by the Japanese の as の後には、it is が省略されています。

【質問 No. 23445】 関係代名詞について kazu 2023-11-19 05:03:54
A I brought all that he left at home.
B There is no one that knows the story.
C He knows everything that happened at school.
D He is the first person that went to the moon.
E This is the only story that I heard.
F This is the same book that I saw at the bookstore.
G Every student that I know studies very hard.
H All the books that he has are very interesting.

 これら8つの英文を、関係代名詞 that を使っていない元の2つの英文に分けるとしたらどうなるか、教えて頂けますか? お手数お掛けして、申し訳ないですが、よろしくお願いいたします。

A He left all at home. I brought all.
B There is no one. No one knows the story.
C He knows everything. They happened at school.
D He went to the moon. He is the first person to do that.
E This is the only story. I heard the story.
F I saw a book at the bookstore. This is the same book as it.
G Every student studies very hard. I know that.
H He has all the books. They are very interesting.

【質問 No. 23444】 英作文の添削依頼 zoro 2023-11-18 16:05:55
 先生、前回のご添削、ありがとうございました。本日は、Should minors who commit serious crimes receive the same punishments as adults? への、私の英文の添削をお願い致します。

1. 「私は、深刻な犯罪を犯した未成年者は、成人と同じ刑を受けるべきだという意見に賛成だ」
  I agree with the idea that minors who commit serious crimes receive the same punishments as adults, for the following reasons.

2. 「今や、強盗、殺人、強姦といった、若者達の犯す犯罪は凶悪化している」
  Now that, ferocity of crimes that young people commit such as robbery, murder, and rape is increasingly atrocious.

3. 「若者に厳しい罰を与えるのは、無慈悲な行為であると主張する者もいるかもしれないが、それでは、被害者や、被害者の家族は泣き寝入りをするしかなくなってしまう」
  Some may insist that giving harsh punishments to minors is a cruel act and stop, but if they are not punished, victims and their family members have no choice but to cry themselves to sleep.

 タイトルについて質問なのですが、commit は、「犯罪を犯したことがある」という意味で、現在完了形を使うべきではないでしょうか?


1. → I agree with the idea that minors who commit serious crimes receive the same punishments as adults, for the following reasons.

2. → The crimes that young people commit today such as robbery, murder, and rape are increasingly getting atrocious.

3. → Some may argue that giving harsh punishments to minors is a cruel act and should be stopped, but if they are not punished, their victims and their family members have no choice but to cry themselves to sleep.

 ご質問の commit には、「犯罪を犯したことがある」といった意味合いはありません。その意味合いを出すには、おっしゃる通り、「現在完了形」にしてもよいのですが、現在形のまま、「犯罪を犯す青少年は・・・」としてもよいのです。

【質問 No. 23443】 カンマの後の which と、挿入句について(追記) Tanaka 2023-11-18 15:33:50

 His new novel, which was published last week, is very interesting.


1. 「彼の新しい小説が先週出版されたんだけど、とても面白いよ」
2. 「先週出版された彼の新しい小説がとても面白いよ」

 今度は、ご質問の意味が、よくわかりました。ご質問の英文の which was published last week は、挿入節として投入されたものなので、「制限用法」的に、直接 His new novel を修飾させた 2. よりも、1. のように訳した方が、筆者の趣旨を正しく伝えていることになります。「彼の新しい小説は、先週出版されたばかりだが、とても面白いです」ということなのです。

【質問 No. 23442】 カンマの後の which と、挿入句について Tanaka 2023-11-18 13:12:01

 カンマ の後の which は、関係代名詞の非制限用法で、「情報の付け足し」だと習いました。一方、カンマとカンマで挟んで作る挿入句は、前の単語の補足説明をするものだと習いました。例えば、A, I think B, is C. で、「私が B だと思っている A は、C」のように。では、カンマ which と、挿入句が合わせて出てくる場合、A, which I think B, is C のような時は、どのように訳せば良いのでしょうか?


【質問 No. 23441】 英文添削のお願い(その4) hicks 2023-11-18 13:01:06
J黒柳 徹子(Tetsuko Kuroyanagi、1933年 生)は、日本の女優、エッセイスト。日本史上最初のテレビ出演者のひとり。1981年、自身の著書「窓ぎわのトットちゃん」(いわさきちひろ 絵)が出版された。単行本・文庫本を合わせて累計800万部を発行し、世界35カ国で翻訳された。1984年より、国際連合傘下のユニセフ(国際連合児童基金)親善大使を務めており、現在でも精力的に活動している。 →
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (born 1933) is a Japanese actress and essayist. She is one of the first TV actresses in Japanese history. 1981, her book "Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window"(Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki) was published. A total of 8 million copies of both hardcover book and paperback editions have been sold, and the book has been translated in 35 countries. Since 1984, she has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), an affiliate of the United Nations, where she continues to be active.
Kいわさき ちひろ(Chihiro Iwasaki 1918年 生- 1974年没)は、子供の水彩画に代表される日本の画家、絵本作家。彼女は私の大好きな画家です。 → Chihiro Iwasaki (b. 1918 - d. 1974) is a Japanese painter and picture book author, represented by children's watercolor paintings. She is my favorite painter. 以上です。大変長くなって申し訳ありません。よろしくお願い致します。

J → Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (born 1933) is a Japanese actress and essayist. She is one of the first TV actresses in Japanese history. In 1981, her book "Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window"(Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki) was published. A total of 8 million copies of both hardcover book and paperback editions have been sold, and the book has been translated into 35 countries. Since 1984, she has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), an affiliate of the United Nations, where she continues to be active.

K → Chihiro Iwasaki (b. 1918 - d. 1974) is a Japanese painter and picture book author, represented by children's watercolor paintings. She is my favorite painter.


【質問 No. 23440】 英文添削のお願い(その3) hicks 2023-11-18 12:49:09
G昨年も書きましたが、この映画が製作されてから5年後の1960年代後半、私は大学生でテレビ制作チームのカメラマン助手としてアルバイトをしていた。ちょうどその頃、主演の岩下志麻さんが時代劇に出演しており、彼女とスタジオで一緒に仕事をし、旧知の仲のように「古都」について語り合えたことが懐かしい思い出である。 → As I wrote you last year, in the late 1960s, five years after the film was made, I was a university student working part-time as a cameraman's assistant on a TV production team. Just at that time, Mrs.Shima Iwashita, the lead actress in the film was appearing in a period drama, and I have a fond memory of working with her in the studio and of being able to talk about "The Old Capital" with her as if we were good old friends.
H岩下志麻さんは、あなたのようにとても美しい女優です。私に「学生さん、いかがですか?」 と言ってアメをくれました。→
Mrs. Shima Iwashita is a very beautiful actress like you. She said to me, "Student, would you like some candy?" and gave it to me.
Iもしも私が若かったならば、あなたを案内して素晴らしい古都·京都をいっぱい観せたかった。 →
If I were younger, I would have loved to show you around and let you see so much of the wonderful old capital - Kyoto.

G → As I wrote you last year, in the late 1960s, five years after the film was made, I was a university student working part-time as a cameraman's assistant on a TV production team. Just at that time, Mrs. Shima Iwashita, the lead actress in the film was appearing in a period drama, and I have a fond memory of working with her in the studio and of being able to talk about "The Old Capital" with her as if we were good old friends.

H → Mrs. Shima Iwashita is a very beautiful actress like you. She said to me, "Student, would you like some candy?" and gave it to me.

I If I were younger, I would have loved to show you around and let you see so much of the wonderful old capital - Kyoto.

【質問 No. 23439】 英文添削のお願い(その2) hicks 2023-11-18 12:40:24
The story is about an abandoned girl, who grew up as the only daughter of a long-established kimono merchant, and a chance encounter on the night of the Gion Festival with a village girl who looks like her alter ego in a village of Kitayama cedars
The heartwarming and moving story of twin daughters who love each other but cannot live under the same roof is sadly and tenderly depicted against the backdrop of beautiful seasonal scenery and Kyoto's traditions.
It was this film that made the area of Kitayama cedars in Kyoto(Northern Kyoto), which was a minor tourist attraction in Kyoto at the time, instantly known throughout Japan. In particular, Narushima's calm and profound camerawork is superb, and any scene we stop at can be made into a postcard as good as the one by Kaii Higashiyama.
F演技、映像、音楽それぞれが特筆すべき素晴らしさである。京都の古い町並みや北山杉の里が、豊かな色彩とモダンな告}によって写し出される。二役を一場面でとらえた撮影技術も高く評価される。→ The acting, visuals, and music are each notably excellent. The old streets of Kyoto and the Kitayama cedar villages are captured with rich colors and modern compositions. The cinematography technique of capturing the two roles in one scene is also highly praised.

C → The story is about an abandoned girl, who grew up as the only daughter of a long-established kimono merchant, and a chance encounter on the night of the Gion Festival with a village girl who looks like her alter ego in a village of Kitayama cedars.

D → The heartwarming and moving story of twin daughters who love each other but cannot live under the same roof is sadly and tenderly depicted against the backdrop of beautiful seasonal scenery and Kyoto's traditions.

E → It was this film that made the area of Kitayama cedars in Kyoto (Northern Kyoto), which was a minor tourist attraction in Kyoto at the time, instantly known throughout Japan. In particular, Narushima's calm and profound camerawork is superb, and any scene we stop at can be made into a postcard as good as the one by Kaii Higashiyama.

F → The acting, visuals, and music are each notably excellent. The old streets of Kyoto and the Kitayama cedar villages are captured with rich colors and modern compositions. The cinematography technique of capturing the two roles in one scene is also highly praised.

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