【質問 No. 23475】 英作文の添削依頼 |
zoro |
2023-11-22 15:18:41 |
先生、前回のご添削ありがとうございました。本日は、Strict guidance should be needed. の添削をよろしくお願い致します。
I disagree with the idea that strict guidence should be needed, for the following reasons.
Firstly, in former days, it was normal for teachers and fathers to slap their students and children.
However, over the past 40years, our era has changed dramatically.
For example, it has become seldom that young people are scoled by their teachers and fathers due to the introduction of gender equality law and child abuse legislation.
You should not need to give harsh teaching to young people who are sensitive to criticism, instead, you should teach children with the state-of -the art technology and newest study know-how.
1. I disagree with the idea that strict <guidence>(→guidance) should be needed, for the following reasons.
2. Firstly, in former days, it was normal for teachers and fathers to slap their students and children.
3. However, over the past <40years>(→40 years), our era has changed dramatically.
4. For example, it has become seldom that young people are <scoled>(→scolded) by their teachers and fathers due to the introduction of <gender equality law and>(→削除) child abuse legislation.
5. You should not need to give harsh teaching to young people who are sensitive to criticism<,>(→;) instead, you should teach children with the <state-of -the art>(→state-of-the-art) technology and newest study know-how.
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