【質問 No. 23372】 英作文添削のお願い |
kate |
2023-11-10 17:53:01 |
1: 「人口が増えすぎると、経済に悪い影響が出ることが、統計で示されています。
When the population grows too much, statistics show it has a negative impact on the economy.
2. 「経済が良くなるには、人々がお金をたくさん貯めて、投資することが大切です。
To have a better economy, it's important that people to save and invest money.
3. 「でも、成長中の国では、多くの家庭がたくさんの子供を持っていて、生活費が上がってしまうから、お金を貯めたり、投資したりするのが、難しいことがあります」
However in growing countries, many families have a lot of children, which raises living costs and makes it difficult for them to save or invest money.
4. 「これが、経済発展にマイナスの影響を及ぼす理由です」
This is why it can have a bad effect on economic development.
1. When the population grows too much, statistics show it has a negative impact on the economy.
2. To have a better economy, it's important that people save and invest money.
3. However in growing countries, many families have a lot of children, which raises living costs and makes it difficult for them to save or invest money.
4. This is why it can have a bad effect on economic development.
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