【質問 No. 23321】 英作文の添削依頼 |
zoro |
2023-11-06 18:53:39 |
課題: Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?
1. 「私は、政府は技術に優先的に投資をすべきだ、という意見に賛成だ」
I agree with the idea that investment in technology should be a bigger priority for governments, for the following reasons.
2. 「第一に、私達が直面している問題のほとんどは、テクノロジーによって解決することが出来る。私達の社会では、少子高齢化が進み、介護や医療技術への投資が、ますます必要になっている。AI技術の導入や再生医療の発展が、そのような問題を食い止めることが出来る」
Firstly, most problems we are facing today can be solved with technology. In our society, with the aging popularity and the low birth rate progressing, the investment for care giving and medical technology are increasingly necessary. The introduction of AI technology and development of regenerative medicine can forestall such problems.
3. 「しかしながら、研究開発資金や、医療機器の導入費用は、大変高額だ。海外のサプライヤーシステムとの構築も必要となる。これらの問題を解決するためには、莫大な投資が必要である」
However, the costs of research and development funds or the introduction of the costs of medical equipment should be extremely steep. Moreover, it is inevitable to build a relationship with overseas suppliers. The government should invest a huge amount of funds to solve these problems.
4. 「最後に、新技術への投資は、経済的恩恵を産み出し、莫大な雇用を産み出し、経済を上向きにするという利点がある。また、起業は名を挙げることが出来て、次世代への知識を保持することが出来るだろう」
However, the costs of research and development funds or the introduction of the costs of medical equipment should be extremely steep. Moreover, it is inevitable to build a relationship with overseas suppliers. The government should invest a huge amount of funds to solve these problems.
1. I agree with the <idea>(→proposition) that investment in technology should be a bigger priority for governments, for the following reasons.
2. Firstly, most problems we are facing today can be solved with technology. In our society, particularly in Japan, with the aging popularity and the low birth rate progressing, investments in caregiving and medical technology are increasingly necessary. The introduction of AI technology and the development of regenerative medicine can forestall such problems.
3. However, the costs of research and development or the introduction of medical equipment can be extremely steep. Moreover, it is inevitably necessary to build a relationship with overseas suppliers. Therefore, the government should invest a huge amount of funds to solve these problems.
4. これは、3. と同じ内容になっています! 勘違いをしていませんか?
総評として、zoro さんの英作文は、語彙といい、構文といい、非常に高度な内容になっており、毎回驚かされています。英文解釈との差に、驚かされています!
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