【質問 No. 23187】 英作文の添削依頼 |
zoro |
2023-10-19 18:43:49 |
先生、ご添削を、ありがとうございました。本日は、Surrogate delivery is not ethical の添削を、お願い致します。
I disagree with the idea that surrogate delivery is not ethical, for the following reasons.
1. 「第1に、女性は、リーダーに向いている。理由は、女性はゴミ問題などの、地域の問題に精通しているためだ」
Firstly, women are better suited for becoming a leader, because they are more familiar with community problems such as garbage problems.
2. 「しかしながら、子供が欲しいと思っている女性が、頻繁に休みを取ることは極めて難しく、また、妊娠中は、胎児は母親の体にとって、心理的な重荷となる」
However, it is quite difficult for women who want to have a baby to take leaves so often, and also, during pregnancy period, a fetus takes a psychological toll on mother’s body.
3. 「従って、私は、日本も代理出産を認可すべきだと思う」
Therefore, I think that Japan should accept the treatment surrogate delivery.
4. 「また、アメリカでは、すでに数年に渡り、代理出産が容認されている」
Also, in the US, surrogate delivery has already been accredited over the years.
5. 「毎年たくさんの赤ん坊が、代理出産技術を使って生まれている」
Every year, a lot of babys are being born by using the technology of surrogate delivery.
6. 「もし、日本が代理出産を用いた治療をもっと行えば、結果はより良いものとなるだろう」
If Japan can perform more therapy of surrogate delivery, it will be better results than it is now.
I disagree with the idea that surrogate delivery is not ethical, for the following reasons.
1. Firstly, women are suited for becoming leaders in various fields, because they are as familiar as men with various problems in society.
2. However, it is quite difficult for women who want to have babies to take leaves from work so often, and also, during the pregnancy period, a fetus takes a psychological toll on the mother’s body.
3. Therefore, I think that Japan should adopt the system of surrogate delivery as in many other countries.
4. Also, in the US, surrogate delivery has already been accepted over the years, and every year, a lot of babies are born there by using the system of surrogate delivery.
5. If Japan adopts and performs the system of surrogate delivery, it will beat the problem of dwindling population.
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