【質問 No. 23198】 英作文の添削依頼 |
zoro |
2023-10-20 18:28:51 |
昨日も、ご添削を、ありがとうございました。本日は、Is the labor reform law effective enough to make Japanese workers take more holidays? の添削をお願い致します。
1. 「私は、労働改革法は、日本の労働者に、より多くの休暇を取らせるために、十分な効果がある、という意見に賛成だ」
I agree with the idea that the labor reform law is effective enough to make Japanese workers take more holidays, for the following reasons.
2. 「第1に、世界にはたくさんの人達がいて、高学歴で社会的地位の高い人達は、大変忙しい傾向にある」
Firstly, there are a large number people in the world, and people who are highly educated and in high social scale tend to be extremely busy.
3. 「例えば、医師は24時間働き続けていると聞いたことがある」
For example, I hear that doctors often keep working 24 hours a day.
4. 「もしそのような人達が、そんなひどい状況に我慢し続けたら、鬱、疲労、不眠といった形で、病気になってしまうだろう」
If such people keep putting up such poor situation, they will become sick in the forms of depression, fatigue, and insomnia.
5. 「そのような人達にとって、労働法の改革は有効だ」
For those people, changing labor law can be effective.
6. 「第2に、日本では、子供の数が減り続けている」
Secondly, in Japan, the number of children has been increasing.
7. 「しかしながら、社会的な地位にある人が、頻繁に休みを取ることは、極めて難しい」
However, it is quite difficult for people who are in social standing take leaves from work so often.
8. 「従って、政府は、行動を起こすべきだ。例えば、保育園を増やすことは、解決策となるが、父親や母親に、もっと子供と一緒に過ごす時間を与えるべきだ」
Therefore, the government should take some actions. For instance, increasing nursely school could be one of the solutions, but should give fathers and mothers the time that they can spend staying with their children.
Is the labor reform law effective enough to make Japanese workers take more holidays?
1. I agree with the idea that the labor reform law will be effective enough to make Japanese workers take more holidays, for the following reasons.
2. Firstly, there are a large number of people in the world, and those people who are highly educated and in a high social position tend to be extremely busy.
3. For example, I hear that doctors often keep working 24 hours a day.
4. If such people keep putting up with such poor situations, they will become sick in the form of depression, fatigue, and insomnia.
5. For those people, changing labor laws can be effective.
6. Secondly, in Japan, the number of children has been decreasing.
7. However, it is quite difficult for people who are in a high social standing to take leave from work so often.
8. Therefore, the government should take some action. For instance, increasing nursery schools could be one of the solutions, but at the same time, it should give fathers and mothers the time they can spend with their children.
今回の英作文は、この前のと比べて、非常によく書けているので、全面的な修正の必要がなく、ほっとしていまっす。zoro さんは、英作文が大変上手だと思います。
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