【質問 No. 22508】 日記の添削をお願いいたします!! |
StarlySky |
2023-08-06 06:22:07 |
1. Hostmother made me the fried something (I forgot the name) for breakfast. It was like a soft シークヮーサー. It was so tasty. 「ホストマザーが、朝ごはんに、何か揚げ物を作ってくれた。(名前は、忘れちゃった) 柔らかい版のシークヮーサーみたいな感じで、すごく美味しかった」
2. I met my Japanese friend at Helensvale to eat crape which his favorite, I ordered sweet one, and meal one. I was surprised that fresh cream didn't make me feel bad, but so light. 「へレンズベールで、クレープを食べに日本人留学生の友達と会った。甘いのと、お食事系のどっちも頼んだ。生クリームが気持ち悪くなるタイプじゃなくて、軽かったのがびっくりした」
3. I bought some materials to make three colors DANGO for my hostfamily, I'm gonna make it on Monday. 「ホストファミリーのために、三色団子を、月曜日に作ろうと思って、材料の買い出しに行ってきた」
以上の内容です!! よろしくお願いします!!
1. → My host mother made me a fried thing (I forgot the name) for breakfast. It was like a soft type of seequarsar(?). It was so tasty.
2. → I met with my Japanese friend at Helensvale in order to eat some crape which is his favorite. I ordered a sweet crape together with a meal. I was surprised to find that raw cream didn't me feel bad like before. It was so light.
3. I bought some materials to make three-colored dumplings (DANGO) for my host family. I'm going to make them on Monday.
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