【質問 No. 22019】 英文添削のお願い (その2) |
hicks |
2023-05-28 06:53:48 |
F 「そして、これを受け継いで、一層強固にしたのは、最初は迫害者の一人であったパウロである」
→ And it was Paul, initially one of the persecutors, who took this over and made it even stronger.
G 「改宗者となった彼は、弟子たちが、主として生前のイエスを問題にしたのに対して、イエスの死の意味と、復活の秘儀に関心を抱いた」
→ As a convert, he was concerned with the meaning of Jesus' death and the mystery of his resurrection, whereas the disciples were concerned primarily with Jesus in life.
H 「彼は、十字架にかけられたイエスの死の意味を、人間と神との和解の生贄として捉えた」
→ He saw the meaning of Jesus' death on the cross as a sacrifice of reconciliation between man and God.
I 「そして、人間が神の怒りをなだめるために差し出すもの、という在来の生贄観を百八十度転換させて、神が人間の罪を許すため、「神の子キリスト」を地上に送り、人間の罪をすべて負わせた、と考えた」
→ He turned the conventional view of sacrifice, in which human beings were offered to appease the wrath of God, around 180 degrees and thought that God sent "Christ, the Son of God" to earth to forgive human sins and to take all human sins upon him.
J 「これが、キリストの誕生という、世界精神史における最も不思議な事件のあらましだと思う」
→ This, I think, is the birth of Christ, the most wondrous event in world spiritual history.
F And it was Paul, initially one of the persecutors of the disciples, who finally took this image over and made it even stronger.
G As a convert, Paul was more concerned with the meaning of Jesus' death and the mystery of his resurrection, whereas the disciples were concerned primarily with Jesus in life.
H Paul saw the meaning of Jesus' death on the cross as a sacrifice for reconciliation between man and God.
I Thus, Paul turned almost completely the conventional view of sacrifice in which humans were offered to appease the wrath of God, but instead thought that God sent "Christ, the son of God" to earth to forgive human sins by taking all human sins upon himself.
J This, I think, is the meaning of the birth of Christ, the most wonderous event in world spiritual history.
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