【質問 No. 24418】 英文要約の添削依頼 |
zoro |
2024-03-25 06:32:02 |
[原文] Unmanned convenience stores, which originated in tech-savvy regions like Japan and South Korea in the early 2010s, have rapidly expanded worldwide, finding footholds in countries such as China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, among others. These stores redefine traditional retail, with the help of advances in AI, robotics, and secure payment systems. Retailers are increasingly adopting this trend to enhance operational efficiency and customer convenience.
Supporters of unmanned convenience stores argue that these stores' major advantage is their ability to operate 24/7. This ensures customers have access to essential goods and services at any time, without the constraints of traditional operating hours.
Automated convenience stores offer store owners and retailers increased operational efficiency, reduced labor costs, and enhanced customer convenience through innovative technologies. However, this trend is not without its reservations. Critics have raised concerns that many employees have lost their jobs, and it could have serious repercussions for society, such as the closure of traditional stores. Furthermore, they argue that these types of stores are vulnerable to information theft. Without proper oversight, unauthorized access to the store's systems or databases could result in the theft of customer information or financial data.
[解答](要約)The number of unmanned convenience stores all over the world has rapidly increased. Vendors are increasingly welcoming this state-of-the-art trend. It is the <benefits>(→benefit) of <autmated>(→automated) convenience stores that customers can purchase goods at any time they like. Those technologies can give lots of advantages to providers and suppliers. However, there are critics who insist that such <inovation>(→innovation) could rob people of jobs, and also lead to security problems.
[回答](感想): 今回も、非常に簡潔に要約されていますが、「何文字以内で要約しなさい」、といった制約はないのでしょうか? 通常、この種の問題では、文字制限が掛かっていると思うのですが、その辺は、どうなっていますか? それによっても、要約の評価が変わってくると、思われます。
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