【質問 No. 25855】 英文要約添削依頼(前編) |
zoro |
2024-11-07 09:27:13 |
A: The intersection of technology and education is an evolving landscape, significantly impacting the methods and accessibility of learning. Educational technology, often referred to as EdTech, encompasses a wide range of tools and platforms, from virtual classrooms to AI-powered personalized learning systems.
[解答](要約) The mix of technology and education is effecting the learning methods and availability.
Educational technology, often called EdTech, is comprehensive to a wide variety of education systems.
B: This evolution is reshaping the traditional classroom setting, offering new opportunities and challenges in the educational sector.
[解答](要約) This evolution is giving a new chance in the educational sector.
C: EdTech’s growth is driven by the increasing demand for accessible and flexible learning solutions. Online learning platforms have democratized education, enabling students from remote or underserved areas to access quality resources and instruction.
[解答](要約) It is by the increasing demand for convenient education that EdTech’s growth is. Thanks to EdTech’s growth, it has possible for students to access efficient study resources.
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