【質問 No. 22313】 ゆう → 医療記事から |
ゆう |
2023-07-07 15:56:13 |
Such advances in biotherapies offer new hope for patients for whom all other treatment options have been exhausted.
The CBC has been built at NHSBT's base in Filton, in North Bristol, and replaces a smaller, ageing unit in nearby Langford.
Dr Lilian Hook, NHSBT's director of cell, apheresis and gene therapies said: "The CBC is basically a factory - it manufactures the building blocks (or components) needed to produce gene therapies.
"Researchers and developers can ask us to manufacture the specific components they require.
"This will enable cutting-edge research with the potential to develop cures for some critical diseases which can currently only be treated and often ultimately prove fatal."
この英文の The CBC has been built at NHSBT's base in Filton, in North Bristol, and replaces a smaller, ageing unit in nearby Langford. が訳せません。教えて下さい。
ご質問の英文の意味は「CBC は、(イギリスの)北ブリストル市のフィルトンという場所にあるNHSBTの本拠地に建てられており、近くのラングフォードの、小規模の、古い建物と入れ替えるものとなります」ということで、英文の難易度から言うと、最も基本的で、優しい構文で書かれた、比較的訳しやすい文章です。
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